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Vite Trasformate is a gospel-centered ministry focused on reaching victims of sexual exploitation in Italy by acts of love and support for the transformation of lives.


The primary objective of Vite Trasformate is to see their lives transformed by Jesus Christ to the glory of God. We seek to meet the physical, relational and emotional needs of the women through practical help, friendship building, and networking with social services to provide exit strategies. All this is under the leadership and partnership of the local churches and our greatest desire is to meet their spiritual needs and lead them into the loving arms of God our Savior.


We are made up of a team of volunteers which includes people from various local churches in Bologna. We have a leadership team, lanterns, drivers, and a faithful prayer team. The lanterns are those who are involved in street outreaches and are committed to following up with every Treasure they meet. The drivers drop-off the lanterns at the various locations for outreach while the prayer team stays at church and prays for each Treasure. 

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